Monday, 31 December 2007

2 Alerts in ERepublik

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There are two alerts in ERepublik. What is the usage or the benefit for these alerts ?
1. To remind the citizens about their position and their obligation
2. To make citizens easier in completing their daily task and routine standart task in ERepublik World.
3. To minimize the internet cost and time consumption while accessing ERepublik.

What kinds are they?
1. The Mandatory Alerts
The mandatory Alerts is about the main or obligatory tasks that must be completed by the citizen according to their own level or range of professions and skilss
2, The Optional Alerts
The second one is Optional Alerts, this kind of alert is given to the citizen who want to learn, expereience, and explore ERepublik World in advance way.

Are you ready to learn more about those kind of alerts? Just click each titles.

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Mandatory Alerts

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This section will guide you to understand about the mandatory alert which is provided by ERepublik. See the image carefully to understand them:

1. The first thing you must know is about your live in ERepublik. In order to maintain your life in ERepublik world you must buy the enough food for your daily activity and best performance. Click here to learn more about Food and Citizen's Vitality...

2. The second thing that you must face everyday is to get work. By go to work you can earn money for your living, saving, and investment.
By having enough money you can buy your needs and wants like : food, weapon, moving ticket, gift, hospital care, build a company, build a political party, be a general, be a president, and many other activity.

3. If you are already join a military services you must train your body everyday in order to increase your military skill that will make you the best general/hero in your country and even in Erepublik World.

4. For the general manager (excluding newpaper company), setting the products for sale is a must if they want to make money for their company, collect the profit, and pay the salary of their employees. The General Manager/Company Owner must set the quantity and the price to be sale in market place.
Click here to learn tips how to set the quantity and price in the best way...
Click here to learn tips how to set up the ideal employees salary...
Click here to learn how to be a good company owner....

5. Rule your country is the last mandatory alert if you are already chosen as a country president.
Click here to know what are the responsibilities and rights of the Country President ...

See also:
- Alerts in ERepublik
- Optional Alerts in ERepublik

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Optional Alert

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Here you can learn about Oprtional Alert in ERepublik. There are some alert that categorized as optional alerts:

1. You have no weapon, there is one's choice whether he/she wants to be a military officer or not. It is also implement whether she/he wants to have a weapon or not.

2. ERepublik gives you an optional way to get more Gold by inviting your friends with maximum 5 friends.
Each joined friend will impact on your gold increase : 5 gold for each friend, therefore the maximum gold you can get are 25 gold. Click here to get tips about how to invite your friend in the best practice and benefit...

3. The third optional alert is reminds you about political activity by joining a party as a member or creating a political party. Click here to know about the disadvantage of creating a political party...

4. The last optional alert is remind you about your journalism activity by create a newpaper company and starting to write an article to promote your idea and anything you want.
Click here to learn more about ERepublik Journalism Best Practice...

If you are not interested on these optional alerts you can remove it in a very easy way.
Click here to learn how to remove the optional alerts from your account...

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Thursday, 27 December 2007

Disadvantage of creating the political party

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Anyone can make a political party by burning his/her 40 gold and place that money at the political party account with hope that he/she can be the Party President, Congressman, and Even becoming the Country President. Is this works ?

Yes, absolutely for the first time..!

Why I said for the first time ? In a democratic country, all party will run the internal election periodically in order to choose their Party President.

Because of this mechanism, in the near future you can lose your position, if you can not maintain the loyalty of your party member and of course you also need to reduce and eliminate the ambition of your party member to become the Party President.

Wow...!!! A very great and huge effort you will need to maintain your posisition as a Party President... Do you still want to create a political party after read my explanation?

I suggest you to be a rich man/woman first before you decide to create a political party in ERepublik. Don't thrown away your precious gold :P

40 Gold is a lot of money in ERepublik....!!!


Saturday, 22 December 2007

Production Quality

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In order to improve the quality of your company's products, you need to upgrade your quality. At the beginning, you get Quality 1.

To upgrade the quality level you have to pay a fee of 20 Gold. But there's still the condition that you must have 2 or more employees in your company. For each employee who has a skill lower than the quality you want to upgrade to, you have to pay 10 Gold.

The Qualities available in Erepublik so far are:
QC 2: for at least 2 employees;
QC 3: for at least 5 employees;
QC 4: for at least 10 employees;
QC5: for at least 20 employees.

Be careful that if you upgrade your quality and you have products on your stock or on the market, the offer will be removed from the market and your stock will be emptied.
Note that if you have a certain quality, you cannot go back to a lower level of quality.


Holiday Mode

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As a citizen in Erepublik, you can interrupt your activity for a while by going on holiday. During this period, you cannot go on the site unless you decide to finish your vacation. So, you won't be able to work, vote, fight, administrate your company, buy product or to do other usual actions in Erepublik. You don't even have to work when you are in holiday.During one year, you can be on holiday whenever you want, in the limit of 30 days. If you stay longer, your wellness will decrease and when it is equal to 0, your Erepublik citizen will die.


Job of a Party President

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There are some job of a Party President:
1. Recommed Party to Friends
2. Visit Party Page, Monitor the movement of the member and activities
3. See and Publish Local Election Result
4. See Party Election Result, beware about his/her position as a Party President and candidate of Country President
5. Edit Party Profile, including: Name, Initial (Short Name), Mission (and Vision), Logo, and Orientation (including: center-right, center-left, far-right, far-left)
6. Write a press release for external and internal consumption. To make strenght the Party and promote the party. Make publication for party activities, movement, think, and success. Maintain his/her popularity and member.
7. Set local election/mayor candidates for each regions
8. Become a party election candidate for next party president

There are 2 option of resign:
1. Resign as party member and move to another party or becoming non party member
2. Resign as from party election and just be a good party member or following local election.

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Job of The President

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There are 5 (five) Main Duty of The President in ERepublik are:

2. Modify country budget by issuing money or burning money, depend on the situation at that time and how he/she manage the economy of the country.

3. Propose Tax Law to the Congressman. (click here to know more about ERepublik tax)

The decision is waiting for the voting from the congressman.

5. Set the new citizen fee. How much new citizen will receive money from government.


When The War Will Begin ?

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The war will begin after a country president send his/her proposal and approved by congressman. But before the president can make a war proposal, the country must have minimum 100,000 GOLD (hundred thousands gold).

So we can conclude that it is almost impossible to start a war in a near future. Therefore, don't worry about war. But you must always go to military ground and buy your weapon to make the preparation. Who knows, someday the ERepublik team will change the rule to start the war...???


Existing Industries in ERepublik

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1. Food
Food is a basic need in ERepublik, without food one can die... Therefore having this kind of company is a good opportunity, although in longrun you will face so many competitor from inside your country and from overseas.
maximum individual stock: 30 ea

2. Moving
If one want to work as an expat or doing another activitiec in overseas country, he/she must have an air ticket. moving to another country need a good quality of air ticket, otherwise it can decrease one's wellness.
maximum individual stock : 30 ea

3. Weapon
Weapon is needed when the war has begin. When the war can be started? (click here to know)
To produce the weapon need much energy and many employees. But you can get a lot of money from it, believe me...
maximum individual stock: 30 ea

4. Housing
Housing is needed by rich citizen, to maintain their better wellness and prestige. Having a housing company will make you rich in the future, after all citizen have a lot of money.
maximum individual stock: 30 ea

5. Gift
Gift is a new company type in ERepublik, it can increase your wellness but not significant, very low impact. Having gift company is interesting with hope that someday ERepublik citizen can flirting, chatting, and get married by giving gift each other. By have a family they can make con and daughter to run their business to be more and more large :P
Gift can be a good trading commodity and create money for individual.
To learn about it just click here...
maximum individual stock : 30 ea

6. Hospital
Hospital is needed for your health. If you eat and there's a hospital in your region, you will get an extra wellness equal to the quality level of the hospital.

There are 5 level of quality for each Products (click here to know about that).

7. Media
Nothing you can sell from Media, but you media can be the most powerfull "free marketing" for your other company/ies, political career, military career, finding a job, and many other purposes. Media can make you famous. Media can make you become a country president. Media also can make you the most influencing man/woman in your country.

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Tax Sharing Portion

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We can devide tax in ERepublik to become two main categories:
1. Central Tax
2. Regional Tax

Central Tax is including: Income Tax, Value Added Tax (VAT), and Import Tax.
- Income Tax is deducted from all citizens' income
- VAT is deducted from goods sold
- Import Tax is deducted from overseas businessman who is sell their goods to lisenced country
Central tax is setting by Country President and approved by the Congressman.
Subject of central tax are all existing industries.
Click here to know the updated list of existing industries.

Regional Tax is including: Monthly Housing Tax and Monthly Company Tax
subject of this tax is the house owner and the company owner. Regional tax is controlled and set up by mayor individually.

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Effect of Unemployment

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If you set your salary expectation and too often reject the job offering from employer, you will always in unemployment condition. Is there any effect of this condition ?
Yes, of course ! Definitely !!

1. your wellness will decrease (click here to learn more)
2. your money will decrease and decrease more to buy your food in order to maintain your life in ERepublik.
2. after you don't have any money, your food stock will be lower and lower (click here to know the next impact)
3. your life is in danger ! and you will die and deleted from ERepublik....

How to solve this problem ?
- Don't set your salary expectation too high, maximum 2 local currency for beginner, the most ideal is 1 local currency.
- After you work for minimum 1 week with high loyalty, you can ask the employer to increase your salary
- If he/she does not want to increase your salary, you can find another job, but never resign before you get your new company to work. Just wait for new job offering, at the same time you accept your new job offering from new employer, you will resign automatically. Never resign manually, otherwise you will lose your job :(

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Why Citizen Need Food ?

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Every citizens need food to maintain their live, for working, for military training, and for other activities. Failure to have enough food, one will becoming weak and weaker. Finally he/she will die from ERepublik.

So that, can we conclude that you need to online everyday to maintain your live in ERepublik. Exactly, 100% you are correct !!

But, are there any trick to survice in ERepublik ?
There are two way to make you survive without online everyday:
1. Buy enough food in your inventory. One can buy maximum up to 30 foods to be placed in their warehouse.
2. Set your holiday mode. By setting your holiday mode your food will not decrease at all until you can online again. Click here to learn more about holiday mode..


Friday, 21 December 2007

How To Increase Your Wellness ?

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Do you want to know the answer?
Just read my explanation below.

In order to increase the wellness, citizen must:
1. Buy enough food. How much food maximum you can buy ? 30 (thirty only)
When you have maximum food in your inventory, your wellness will become better and better.
You must maintain a stabil amount of your food inventory.
2. Work every day and don't be lazy ! Work make us healthy !
But you must buy food after work.
3. Go to Military Training Ground everyday !
A well train Soldier have a strong body, the more you train, the more you get your wellness !

Is receiving a gift will increase your wellness ? not really !
There is no guarantee from ERepublik... Although you buy so many gift or receive so many gift the impact is not significant... The only way to get a great wellness is by doing what I already said above.

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Duty of Mayor

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What is the duty or responsibility of a mayor in ERepublik ?
1. Set Monthly Housing Tax
2. Set Monthly Company Tax

Where is the tax will go ?
The tax will go to regional government (governor/city) in order to maintain the region and to support the center government.

How much is the ideal tax rate ?
The most ideal tax rate is not higher than citizen revenue/salary. I think maximum 10% of salary/revenue of the citizens. If you are not so rich and have enough money to pay your tax, just don't buy a house and create a company, otherwise you will meet a trouble.

Tips for a mayor:
Don't take a high tax to your citizens. That will make a big problem/burden for them.

Tips for citizens and Party President:
Never choose the a cruel and/or stupid person to be a mayor. Because she/he will make a big problem for you, especially for your financial condition. Just imagine if a mayor take from you 50 local currency for house and company tax, you will ruin immediately :P

Want to know more about Tax Sharing Portion between Center and Regional Government ?
Just simply click here !


How to start ERepublik ?

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Preliminary Lesson that Everyone must know in ERepublik

A. Choose the Country:
Here are some tips to choose the country:
1. To get best wealthy for your character, choose the empty country (not more than 20 citizens), because from the empty country you will get 50 gold + 25 gold from invitation + 100 local currency.
2. How if all countries already have more than 20 citizens? There are some possibility:
- you can choose based on your real citizenship
- you can choose the most rich country in ERepublik
(note: the important thing here is as long as you can communicate with other citizen it is ok to choose that country).

B. Join the Party:
Choose the Party that can accomodate your will in the future. By joining the right party you can be a governor, congressman, party president, and even country President.

C. Military Training:
I recommend to all citizen to become a soldier, the benefit you can get by joining a military service are as follows:
1. get more power/vitality
2. get stronger body
3. get military career
4. one day can be a country warlord/general
5. can buy/have a weapon
6. can protect your country from invader

D. Create a Newspaper Company :
To create a newspaper company does not need any money. Newspaper can be your "big mouth" or "free marketing" for yourself, your career, your political interest, your business growth, and any other purposes.
Therefore I suggest you to create a newspaper company. You will get so many benefit from it !

E. Find Job or Create Company:
You can build a commercial company if you have 40 Gold. By build a commercial company you can generate your own money from your sales.
But if in fact you join ERepublik after the 20th citizen you will only have 100 local currency that equal with 11 Gold. That is mean that you need to find a job and go to work.
Never sell your self to high !! Your ideal first basic salary is 1 (one) local currency maximum 3 (three) local currency, if you ask more than that, you will never find your job.
What is the consequence if you fail to find a job ? click here to find the answer


Thursday, 13 December 2007

The Erepublik story

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History is something that already exists. You inherit it and you enrich it with your life experiences. But now you have a chance to create a different history in the Erepublik world.

Being part of it, you have the opportunity to develop your economy and to create a working society with political institutions. You may concentrate on serving your country or on finding a way to personally advance in this new world perhaps by having military activity, creating private companies or getting others to elect you as a political leader.

You will have to use your wits to make your country one of the best in Erepublik. You should invite your friends to join you and together create a better society or maybe become strong soldiers and invade others..

Also, you will have to respect the 10 Erepublik Laws:
1.All citizens are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
2.No citizen should oppress another citizen
3.Each citizen represents the will of a single real user.
4.Every citizen that enriched through an illegal or unjust method must return the property this way obtained.
5.Every citizen has the right to work and to receive a payment in exchange for his work
6.All the National political systems are based on Democracy and on the Universal Suffrage vote system.
7.No racism, extremism, pornography or vulgarity are allowed.
8.Freedom of press is absolute (without breaking the 7th rule)
9.Every citizen has the right to choose if he will participate in a fight or not.
10.The economic system is based on the market economy and all the citizens have to act according to the fair competition, demand and supply rules.

To find more about Erepublik, please read the Tutorial.
